Thursday, June 23, 2011

Happy Rain

Its raining today and I am wearing purple. I'm happy to be at a point in my life where I have learned that rain is as necessary as sunshine. I've always been such a "weather" person, mood corresponding to what's outside. But suddenly and unexplainable, apparently unexplainadly is not a word ;), what's going on outside doesn't matter to me. The earth and all its beauty needs rain to thrive and blossom. And we too need those rainy days to learn and grow and appreciate the sunshine when it comes again...
Ps. You won't get my purple comment unless you have read my previous, brief post...I could not locate the perfect-shade-of-green thread. ;)
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  1. Oh my goodness, I can so relate! My moods are so dictated by weather. I have to make a real effort to stay cheery when things are gloomy outside.

  2. Sunshine is coming again Beverly, then we can be bothered by the heat! ;)
    <3's Can't wait to make your pineapple salsa, yum! Im going shopping tomorrow!
