Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Today I'm thankful for...

Today I'm thankful for; lunch outside with my sweet friend, the taste of basil and artichokes AND goat cheese on pizza! I'm thankful that I feel good and that just the smell alone of opening my new favorite tea gives me such pleasure. :) I love popping that tin open and taking a big whiff. I'm thankful for beautiful praise verses in the Psalms, creative writing exercises and my favorite, artistic blogging magazine. I'm thankful for a cool and quiet kitchen, chickens that follow behind me like I'm the Pied Pipper and coming back into my home that has been vacuumed by my youngest son. Go J! I'm also thankful for a job not only acccomplished, but uploaded and edited within the hour- Go Marianne! I'm thankful for an email I was waiting for that said I was off the waiting list and ON the list for a special trip this fall... Good day! Thank you LORD for so many blessings...