Friday, March 26, 2010
The Daffodil
Thursday, March 25, 2010
TIME marches on and sooner or later you realize IT IS MARCHIN' ACROSS YOUR FACE.
Truvy Jones, Steel Magnolias
Nothing personal or anything, no one in mind...jess thot it was funny!
Truvy Jones, Steel Magnolias
Nothing personal or anything, no one in mind...jess thot it was funny!
Friday, March 19, 2010
Crocus Focas

After I posted LAST years flowers, I went for a little walk, and low and behold, out in a field was this beautiful little patch of blooming crocus bulbs. Of course I went back for my camera, because I needed to give you something current. :)
cro . cus [ kroh-kus ]
-noun, pl.-cuses.
1. any of the small, bulbous plants of the genus Crocus, of the iris family, cultivated for their showy, solitary flowers, which are among the first to bloom in the spring.
2. the flower or bulb of the crocus.
3. a deep yellow; orangish yellow; saffron
Spring is:
Spring is: Earth yawning in beautiful colors after a long Winter's nap... mvw 3-19-10
It's a glorious Spring day! I've soaked up a Winter's worth of sunshine today. "They" are still predicting a large Spring snow, so I am afraid to get my hopes up that Spring is here to stay. But it would be a terrible waste to not enjoy this just because I'm worrying about next week! I heard a keynote speaker once, ( will look up her name and post in the comment box) who said that her Mother was always warning her, "Don't get your hopes up". And she said, Well why not get your hopes up? What good are low hopes? So true! Get your "Hopes" up, get them high, enjoy the day. Let those "hopes" propel you into believing that you will have a better tomorrow, or accomplishing a long held, or lost dream! Hope has wings, especially in Spring!
P.S. Yes, these ARE last years flowers. Looking forward to recording this Spring too with my camera.
It's a glorious Spring day! I've soaked up a Winter's worth of sunshine today. "They" are still predicting a large Spring snow, so I am afraid to get my hopes up that Spring is here to stay. But it would be a terrible waste to not enjoy this just because I'm worrying about next week! I heard a keynote speaker once, ( will look up her name and post in the comment box) who said that her Mother was always warning her, "Don't get your hopes up". And she said, Well why not get your hopes up? What good are low hopes? So true! Get your "Hopes" up, get them high, enjoy the day. Let those "hopes" propel you into believing that you will have a better tomorrow, or accomplishing a long held, or lost dream! Hope has wings, especially in Spring!
P.S. Yes, these ARE last years flowers. Looking forward to recording this Spring too with my camera.
Thursday, March 18, 2010
My Green Day
It started off with a visit from one of my favorite neighbors. I call him, "Blue", but being as it WAS St. Patrick's Day, I noticed how very GREEN he was looking. Then I proceeded to make GREEN French Toast. You can see from the pics that is is not very appetizing, but I felt this fell into the "being Honest" catagory, so I'm showing you anyway. Then...I have been planning this since Valentine's Day (when I dyed my dog pink!), I dyed the doggie GREEN! Oh how cute she looked! I laughed and laughed! It was just a little food coloring sprayed onto her coat. It does not touch her skin, so don't get all worried. I figure its about like eating a few M & M's. Then she and I went to my Mom's nursing home. Boy was she a hit! The residents loved and petted on her, but the awesome staff went crazy about her! Almost everyone's camera phone came out! They would say, go to West wing, they want to see her there, come to the therapy room, bring her to see so and so, ect. One very sweet thing happened. There was a man in the therapy room having a very hard time, couldn't even sit up and they were working with him. I set little GREEN Lexi Leprechan on his lap and he smiled and lifted his hand and petted her! It was so precious to see him respond. So that was my GREEN day, hope yours was happy...
Somewhere along this new line of blogging, posting and profiles, I said I was going to be honest about life. The good, the bad and the ugly.You see I have been missing for a few weeks, and its been nagging me like crazy, just to leave you hanging. I have not been feeling good at all and kept thinking, just another day, ect. But I am going to make a hugh effort to post, even if it is very brief or just a photograph for you.(On a much more regular basis!) I'm not promising, because thats when I get into trouble, just trying, like crazy. Now I'm not looking for sympathy and I'm not whining. I have so much to be thankful for and am so very blessed, even in the hardest of times.(Which this isn't!) I think we can and should be thankful each and everyday, even for the most ordinary and "everyday" things. Its good for us and its Biblical! It helps us focas on things other than our circumstances or ourselves and puts our hearts into the right place. When we are thankful, we give God the credit and I believe it reminds us of what so many others have to do without. Do you ever think about just having hot running water in your house, or electricty? ...a cozy warm bed, a cup of hot tea, a roaring scent filled fire, a good book, loved ones, of course! ...wonderful friends (quote by Josh)...fresh juicy fruit...sunshine...firefiles (I know they are not out yet, but I'm looking forward to them!)...butterflies, birds, ladybugs, gardens, Spring, Java Chip Frappachino ice cream! (Thats a big one!)...I could go on for days... When I was a teenager, I lived in Honduras for a year and several summers. Believe you me, when you spend any time in a third world country, you are even (and very) thankful for toilets! Because they are not in every store or around every corner! I have been recording things that I am grateful for in my journal for quite some time. But recently, I've added an icon, GTL, with a square around it so I can go back any time and read or be reminded of the things I am thankful for. The GTL, stands for : Greatful Thanks LORD. Because we need to not only be grateful, but be thankful to The Giver of all things! Every perfect gift comes from above...James 1:17 So, what are you thankful for today?
Be joyful alway; pray continually; give thanks in all circumstances, for this is God's will for you in Christ Jesus. 1Thes. 5:16-18
Be joyful alway; pray continually; give thanks in all circumstances, for this is God's will for you in Christ Jesus. 1Thes. 5:16-18
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