Monday, August 15, 2011

Curlie Girlie Part 2

Hummm..Where was i? Just kidding, i know exactly where i was...i had started off by telling you about Suzi Blu,
Brave Girls Club  , and left off telling you about the lovely Christy Tomlinson...I took Christy"s online class: The She Art Workshop . Again, rebellious student that i am, Christy said-Don't put a face on the girls...Well, of course, what did i do? Yup! i put a face on them! And as beautiful as Suzi's girls were, i wanted to make the eyes look different, a little "smiley" :) When i had been at Brave girls camp, i'd had such a problem with my art being flat. i could not get past the fact that all these ladies were making art that was, gasp, dimensional! So one night i was laying in bed, thinking and not sleeping...How can i get over this "raised" art 'problem'? Humm, when i suddenly had the idea of making my Curlie girls with 3D hair! ( i DO happen to have curlie hair, so maybe that came easily to me!) Could i do it? How could i do it? What materials would i use? And then you know what? i did it! And the ideas kept/keep flowing. Sooo,  remember that this is the short version! At BGC, i met Elana Etcheverry from Scrapbook Royalty (Charity Elena is awesome and beautiful and smart and talented and runs a charity organization. She is friends with Suzi Blu. (i don't even know how they met, 'forgotten to ask either of them). Elana was having her first annual  Seaside Soiree (check under EVENTS), and asked me to come.(Last Dec). She said, 'You'll get to meet Suzi' and of course i could not resist...So i did meet Suzi  last December and then got to see her ( and Christy) again at  Donna Downeys Inspired event in Charlotte, N.C. this past June. ( Must tell you about Inspired at another time, because this is getting way too long already)... i wanted to show Suzi one of my Curlie Girls, so i brought it along, and she, sweet thing, saw it and asked if she could put it in her book...HELLO! Could she? Well of course the answer was a resounding YES! (with a bit of silent screaming inside!) and a lot of beaming outside. So, thats my little, itty, bitty brag. Sorry. Just a little one...ok, i'm done...i can't wait for Suzi's book to come out. She was in the absolute last stages when i first wrote this, but it was sent to the publisher July 1st.  i want to see it not only because of my one little picture, but because Suzi  is so amazingly talented and has so much to offer! Way to go Miss Suzi Blu! Thank you to each and every lady mentioned here, by name or not, for helping me make my artistic journey..and for the inspiration!
M.  :)


  1. love it! and I love my curly girly! even though mine does not have curly hair :) i love love love her!

  2. Well, we could at least call her a "Swirly Girl"! ;) Glad you love her!
    M. :)
